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Confirmation QUIZ

1. What is the most common English translation of the Sanskrit word–Ayurveda?
2. What is Niika's suggested translation of the word–Ayurveda?
3. What is the traditional purpose of Ayurveda?
4. What are the 3 disciplines that make up the Vedic Sister Sciences?
5. Generally, what is the traditional purpose of Astrology (Jyotish)?
6. What is the traditional purpose of Yoga?
7. What are the four pursuits of life, according to the Vedas?
8. Of what are considered to be the 6 main Indian philosophies (Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta), which is most associated with Ayurveda?
9. According to the philosophy Ayurveda arises from, what is everything in the world-all manifestation-made of?
10. *What do the 5 Elements represent?
11. What is the literal English translation of the Sanskrit word – dosha?
12. What is Niika's suggested translation for the Sanskrit word–dosha?
13. Which pair of doshas BOTH have the qualities subtle and mobile?
15. Which of the 5 Great Elements is the most light and suble?
16. Which of the 5 Great Elements is the most warm?
17. Which of the 5 Great Elements is the most gross, dense and stable?
18. What is the correct Sanskrit word that should replace 'dosha' in the common phrases such as, "What's your dosha?" "Eat for your dosha." etc?
19. In Nature, which are manifestations of Kapha?
20. In Nature, which are manifestations of Pitta?
21. In Nature, which are manifestations of Vata?